Effective leadership is a formidable weapon and shield for a subjugated people. Regardless of our opponents’ resources, we can outthink, outwork and outmaneuver them, and effective leadership is an important part of this winning recipe.
This book was written to provide a basic and comprehensive understanding of community organizing and grassroots leadership to those who genuinely seek it and need it. This book is not a step-by-step leadership manual. Nor is it simply a huge list of leadership dos and don’ts. It combines leadership philosophy and theory, some helpful tips and suggestions about community organizing, and some discussions of how to execute certain important tasks pertaining to leadership and organizing.
This is a Warrior's guide to leadership for it well-communicates what should be the standard for those who guide us in the practical, visionary work our community needs by example. Without question, it is an invaluable thinking resource in the proper ways of leadership for Warriors. Within these pages, there is a worthy and much-needed articulation of the kind of leadership ethicality, interpersonal etiquette and communal protocol which is so needed in frontline discussions of how to rear and organize our servants of the people into formidable, accountable, righteous, visionary forces. It provides more than ample guidelines for what is and is not acceptable within leadership roles, what is and is not worth their attention, what are and are not the qualities they need to hone within their character as workers responsible for organizing our community within this war for our sanity and survival. Whether they see themselves as fulfilling leadership roles or not, Warriors should study this work.
-Mwalimu Bomani Baruti, Co-Founder Akoben Institute, author and Thought Leader
Leadership: Philosophy, Ethics & Practice" is an instructive and useful resource for activists, organizers, organizations, and their leadership to more effectively engage in the struggle for self-determination, justice and Liberation.
The tips contained in this publication are reminiscent of the Black Panther Party's 10-Point Platform & Program, Points of Attention and Rules of Conduct that were a blueprint for organizing, politicizing, inspiring, and motivating young people to join the cadre organization and believe that revolution could really happen in their lifetime.
With this organizing tool, Tyehimba offers a simple, direct and common-sense approach that can potentially disrupt the naiveté, practices, patterns, mistakes, pitfalls, and machinations that led past Movements, organizers and organizations to fall by the wayside or be defeated by the u.s. government. In this way, Tyehimba seeks to prevent today's organizers from stepping into that age-old adage, if we knew then what we now know, the disunity, disorganization, distrust and contradictions would not have won out.
His chapters "A Leader vs. an Organizer, "Who and What are We Fighting For and Against," "The Sacred Art of Vetting", "Maintaining Archives: Edit!!," and "Grassroots Organizing Tips Based on Cointelpro" offer practical insights and wisdom just as every other chapter raises five essential questions we should all analyze, ask of ourselves and each other: who, what, when, where how and why are we engaged in this struggle for self-determination, justice and ultimately, Liberation. This book harkens three words: It's about time! Organizers put pen-word to paper to help others more effectively organize and build upon the journey to Freedom.
-dequi kioni-sadiki, Free Kamau Sadiki Campaign & In the Spirit of Mandela
At a time where safe, hollow takes make a grifter's toolkit, brother Agyei Tyehimba remains defiantly focused on Pan Afrikan liberation with his experiential and empirical guide to organizational leadership. Critically necessary for those seeking principled activism, Bro. Tyehimba layers his instructions in a digestible text for future generations of Black leaders. One of my top Jegnas and integral to my personal and political development, Bro. Tyehimba delivers master scholarship once again to our people"
---Sis. Shannon Jones, Co-founder of Why Accountability, a Black Liberationist organization